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Dave and Jan's travels:

Welcome to Jan and Dave's travels. This site is intended to let our friends and relatives know what we're up to and how our travels are going. If you're not one of them, well you might still find this interesting, but don't count on it.

We are Jan (Doole) and Dave (Cleal). We're English, but have just completed three years living in New York and working for big banks. This turned out to be quite hard work. As those who know will confirm, that kind of thing doesn't agree with us, so after three years we felt like a break was in order. So...

We're taking a year out to see first various parts of the US and then Central and South America. We have a little experience of this kind of thing, having back-packed through parts of South-East Asia for around ten months in 1989-90. One thing we learnt on that trip was the futility of planning, so this time we haven't. The plan we haven't got involves a little less than 2 months in Alaska (May 21st-early July) then 3-4 months in various US national parks, then Mexico for a while, Guatemala for the new year and then it gets really hazy.

Why? Because it looks like fun. No mission to increase peoples' awareness, no expectation of finding ourselves (or anyone else), no cultural research, just hanging out and if we're lucky we might meet some interesting people.

Why the web site? Mainly because David has a big geek tendency that needs to be sated, but also so that those that are interested (relatives and friends) can see what's happening. A lot of the stuff is really just diary for ourselves, so it might be rather tedious to the casual passer-by.  You've been warned...

Having said that, if you do read this, please let us know what you think, whether you agree, and (most important) tell us about things that you know we should do/see/avoid that we don't know yet.

- Jan and Dave